Beginner Yogis ALWAYS Welcome (And We Mean Always!)
Yoga is for EVERY BODY. It is, IT TRULY IS!
With over 100 different types of yoga out there, this 5,000-year-old practice has something for everyone. Whether you are just beginning your fitness journey or are a professional athlete, size, age and fitness levels do not matter. Just show up, do your best, and the physical & mental benefits will follow – quickly.
Just get that beautiful body on a mat and breathe, stretch, and move with honor.
What Usually Happens on the Mat (What to Expect)
There are three things that each yoga practice typically includes:
Breathing Exercises (deep breaths from the toes, to the belly, to the head)
Meditation (quieting the mind)
Various Postures (sometimes called asana or poses) that stretch, massage, and flex various parts of the body.
Since there are modifications for every pose that increases or decreases the intensity, start slow and be graceful with yourself. Even if you’re an athlete – BE G.R.A.C.I.O.U.S. with Y.O.U.R.S.E.L.F. and remember that the intention with yoga is to build strength, awareness, and harmony in BOTH mind and body (and if you’re willing, your soul too) over a period of time.